Aim Small, Miss Small
Special Trophy Hunting Packages for 2023
6 hunting days
- 1x Blue Wildebeest
- 1x Warthog
- 1x Oryx
- 1x Hartebeest
6 hunting days
- 1x Black Wildebeest
- 1x Oryx
- 1x Warthog
- 1x Hartebeest
6 hunting days
- 1x Greater Kudu
- 1x Hartebeest
- 1x Springbuck
- 1x Warthog
6 hunting days
- 1x Burchell’s Zebra
- 1x Cape Eland
- 1x Oryx
- 1x Warthog
- 1x Hartebeest
The Namibian trophy hunting season opens on 1 February and closes on 30 November each year.
We are firm participants of the fair chase principle. Your professional hunter or guide will discuss the protocols and local rules to you before your first day out in the field.
Your typical hunting day will entail and early start with breakfast before heading out in search of your next trophy. Lunch and snacks will usually be provided at a beautiful spot in the bush or at the lodge depending on your success during the morning. If required, an afternoon session will also be planned. Dinner will be served at night in the dining room or outside looking out to the local waterhole (depending on the weather).
We can cater and arrange a number of other activities for our hunters if they wish to have a rest day or would like to see what Namibia has to offer.
* Meals and local drinks included Bring a partner for an extra Euro 100.00 / USD 110.00 per day Sharing of hunting packages is not permitted Wounded Animals: Euro 500.00 / USD 550.00
Winter special all inclusive packages, book now to avoid disappointment, only a few left.